Donations gladly accepted

Thank you for taking a moment from your day to help us out by reading this. As many of you know I currently am freelancing while writing my blog. I do not have a full time job and not much income.  I appreciate your reading the articles on the site and really appreciate your donations. If you like what you have been reading and wish to see it continue then please donate. I have four options for donations at this time. See below for details:

  1. Recurring donation: If you select this you will be charged via paypal $1/$5/$10 per month until you send us an email cancelling your donation.
    Monthly Donation


  2. One time donation: If you select this you will be given the option to donate any amount you wish via paypal without a recurring charge.

We would like to thank you for making a donation to the website so that I can keep making the site better and better as well as helping to provide for us and our daughter, who is autistic and while she is receiving help from the school district there are other services we would like to provide her with, such as speech therapy which which we simply cannot afford at this time.

Anyone who donates $25 or more or selects the $5/month subscription* will automatically receive a free autographed copy of my CD, I’ve got a guitar and I’m not afraid to use it!

*You must subscribe for at least 6 months to be eligible for this offer.