I’ve got a job!

Yes, the economy sucks in San Francisco, but I have just confirmed that I now have a job starting this Monday so food will be going on the table again and bills will be paid! YAY!!!!!

What kind of job you ask? Well, I’m not going to say as I haven’t signed any paper work and I’m sure that it’s going to involve all those non-disclosure acts, but this is a very cool company and I’ll be able to do a lot of work from home. I like this because when I used to see all these salaried employees who’d come in at 10 am then leave at 2 pm I always wanted that kind of job. When I did get a salaried position it usually meant I’d be getting called up at all hours of the day and night to come back in to fix a problem that they usually had figured out how to fix by the time I got dressed and got to work.

Not in this case. If they need something done at 10 pm, no problem. I’m at home and can handle it from here. If they need something done on the weekend I’m probably home and can do it from here [geez, maybe I need to get out of the house more.]

What I can tell you is that if you’re on the hip and cool group of mobile warriors you might be hearing some of voice and audio work in the near future. I’ll just leave it at that for now and maybe I can negotiate an iPhone in as a signing bonus. 😉

Oh, and just a last note in case you didn’t know I will not be working for tickles. I just thought that was a funny picture to add in because I’m happy to be working again.